Friday, June 27, 2008

Let's Pause for a Moment

Let us pause our speculations on ck for a moment to remember the late, great Heath Ledger. He is to appear as the "Joker" in the upcoming Batman movie. So it will seem that he is still with us, which will be spooky and chilling. But he is not.

Let us speculate on what he may be doing right now in heaven. Is he cloud surfing? Flirting with angels? Playing with puppies? I wonder.... Will he watch Batman: The Dark Knight on opening night? Is he reading our blog? Is he as concerned with the safety and well-being of ck as we are? I bet you he is.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Some Strange Bathroom Behavior

We think she forgot to shower this morning. Actually, she started to, but then she changed her mind.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cough Cough

Ceeks was sick yesterday. She had some dvd's delivered to her door. Insiders tell us that she watched Arrested Development and the Red Shoes.

Friday, June 20, 2008


And! I can't believe I forgot to post this. She got a pedicure, possibly and manicure, and some other grooming things done last Saturday. Make sure she knows how great you think her toenails look!!

what's the big occasion??

It sounds like ck is wearing high heels today. I wonder if she's been wearing them all day, or if she's getting ready to go out tonight? I know she's a classy lady and it wouldn't be unheard of for her to wear them all day long for no special reason. But I've also heard her in the bathroom quite a bit. So it makes me wonder if she's getting ready for something special? If so, what could it be?

Friday, June 13, 2008

You Want In...

On this?

We'd like to assemble a task force that will help take our ceekay spotting to a more professional level. We need volunteers to sit on our couch night and day and keep a log of her various day to day activities. When you hear a toilet flush, write it down. That kind of thing. It's a full time job, keeping track of one girl.


Caroline and I watched so you think you can dance last night. She likes twitch. She was also spotted at the koko kitchen, eating outside with no sunglasses to speak of. That's our caroline! Always braving the elements.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

i know this much.

I was with her tonight!! I know she was in Provo and we ate birthday cake together. I kept track of her up until about 11pm, so I have no guarantees of how she spent the rest of the evening. Hopefully hoon can add in the rest of the deets.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh Boy

Caroline's back at work. She's on g-chat. If I could blog and chat at the same time I'd ask what she's thinking about.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Cee is back in town today! Prepare for this blog to be all abuzz with CK updates and theories, and possibly some interviews with people as they leave her house!